Team Updates May 2022

Messianic Perspectives

Why Are There So Many Jewish Atheists?

by Eric Chabot

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Relief Fund for Israel

We have set up a Relief Fund to support those affected by the horrific attack on Israel. CJF Ministries will use your gifts to the Helping Hands Relief Fund for Israel to help displaced families, provide care packages for soldiers, and contribute to helping people dealing with trauma caused by the events of October 7, 2023


Messianic Perspectives Broadcast

The Spring Feasts of the Lord

Gary explains that the feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23 are not only significant in themselves, but they collectively form an exciting outline of God’s plan leading up to His second coming. The series covers Pesach (Passover) and Shabbat (the Sabbath), Hag HaMatzot (Feast of the Unleavened Bread), Yom HaBikkurim (Day of Firstfruits), and Hag Shavu’ot (Feast of Weeks).

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Team Updates May 2022

From the Blog

What Does It Mean to Say Jesus is "The Son of God?"

By Eric Chabot

It is evident that many Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God. But in many cases, Christians aren’t sure about the biblical background of  the title “Son of God.” What Christians tend to forget is that when Jewish people thought of the Davidic King as the Son of God, it had very ...

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